
class sphinx_doxysummary.directive.DoxySummary(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)

Class represents the directive doxysummary when Sphinx parses inputs.

final_argument_whitespace = False

May the final argument contain whitespace?

has_content = True

May the directive have content?

option_spec: dict[str, Callable[[str], Any]] = {'scope': <function unchanged>, 'template': <function unchanged_required>, 'toctree': <function unchanged>}

Dictionary of options of the directive.

optional_arguments = 0

Number of optional arguments after the required arguments.

required_arguments = 0

Number of required directive arguments.

run() List[Node]

Method called after Sphinx has read the directive doxysummary.

It retrieves the full name of each entry, creates a summary table with alias and brief description from Doxygen created XML files, and builds a hidden toctree linking to the generated files at the beginning of Sphinx build process.


ValueError – When a line having more than 1 alias.


List of docutils nodes to be added to the document.

Return type:



The name variable in the method run represents the full scoped name without return type and with arguments.